"When the child plays with the animal he establishes his own world, the boundaries of which he himself prescribes. The therapist, therefore, participates in a common adventure by entering into a corner of the child's world where the child feels secure. This is where the therapist and the child find an equal footing; this is where the doors of communication are likely to open early between child and therapist. It also appears that all children have an intense need to master someone or something that does not talk back, that accepts one regardless of what one is. They want to be accepted, admired, and permitted to regress as far as possible without being berated by someone or something loved and without the consequent guilt."
Animal-assisted psychotherapy incorporates animals into the mental health and psychotherapeutic treatment of people. Having an animal present in the therapy process provides the individual with a sense of comfort not equaled in traditional therapy.
The animals are incorporated in a natural way. Individuals enjoy feeding the various animals, observing, and interpreting the way the different animals interact with each other.
Flying High Farm currently has dogs, cats and bunnies available. The choice of animal will depend on the individual's presenting issues, clinician's clinical input, preferences and can change throughout the person's therapy.
Yes, in addition to animal assisted therapy, clinicians also utilize play therapy, bibliotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc.
Payment for sessions can be made through accepted forms of insurance, out-of-network payment or self-pay. We are on nearly all insurance panels.